Straightforward Legal Advice From An Attorney Who Understands

Legal Guidance For Unmarried Co-Parents

Parenting after a separation or breakup can feel daunting, irrespective of marital status. For unmarried couples, establishing a stable co-parenting relationship presents unique hurdles that demand careful consideration and legal guidance.

Practical Considerations

For unmarried co-parents, establishing paternity, outlining child support agreements and navigating custody arrangements require very specific plans suited for your particular facts. The legal process for unmarried co-parents involves specific considerations that demand a nuanced understanding of their unique situation.

Support Tailored To Your Needs

Navigating the complexities of custody, parenting time schedules and legal rights demands specialized support. As the founding attorney of Melinda L. Singer, Esquire, I have extensive experience in family law. I offer comprehensive guidance to unmarried co-parents, ensuring their rights are protected while fostering healthy co-parenting dynamics.

Legal Guidance For A Successful Co-Parenting Journey

Seeking legal counsel is pivotal for unmarried co-parents navigating custody issues. Professional legal experience ensures your voice is heard in court proceedings.  When you are facing a legal issue about your children, strategies are needed to promote effective co-parenting.

How Child Custody For Unmarried Parents Differs

The best interests of the child help to establish what the parenting plan should be. You may be asked what kind of parenting time schedule you envision for your child with your ex. You may be asked whether you agree to joint custody and overnight parenting time with the ex. There is an assumption in the state of New Jersey that both parents are entitled to be a part of the child’s life. The issues of physical custody and legal custody are two different legal concepts.

When determining what custodial arrangement will best meet the child’s best interests, the court is required to examine, at a minimum, the following 14 factors listed in New Jersey statutes:

  • The parents’ ability to agree, communicate and cooperate when it comes to child-related matters
  • The parents’ willingness to accept custody, as well as any history of unjustified withholding
  • The child’s relationship with the parents and other siblings
  • History of domestic violence
  • Safety of the child and/or either parent from physical abuse
  • Preference of the child when the court believes they have the capacity to decide
  • Needs of the child
  • Stability of home
  • Quality and continuity of the child’s education
  • Fitness of parents
  • Geographical proximity of parents’ homes
  • The extent and quality of time spent with the child, both before and after separation
  • Parents’ work responsibilities
  • Number of children and their age

In the State of New Jersey, parents who are unmarried file an Application with the court to determine issues concerning custody, parenting time and child support. These filings can be extremely confusing, and that’s where I can help. There is a certain way to file these Applications so that the court can best understand what you are seeking.

If you are in this kind of situation, I strongly suggest that you consult with a family law attorney who can help you.

If you file these documents on your own, you may not be able to obtain a court order that resolves the issues in a way that successfully finalizes the issues. My team is ready to help you should the need arise.

Personalized Consultation For Your Situation

Your child’s well-being is our priority. Schedule a consultation today to create a personalized co-parenting plan tailored to your unique circumstances. Contact my Hackensack office at 201-870-0826 or send a message through my online system to explore your options and establish a successful co-parenting relationship for your child’s future.