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Defining the different types of alimony in New Jersey

On Behalf of | Jul 28, 2017 | Alimony |

Several of those that our team here at Melinda L. Singer, Esquire have worked with in the past have come to us with questions about alimony. Many are surprised to learn that those cases that call for it may have a different type of alimony assigned to them. If you have recently decided to end your marriage in Hackensack, it may behoove you to study the different forms of alimony the state recognizes for you to understand whether you might qualify to receive it or if you may be required to pay it.

The guidelines regulating spousal support can be found in Section 2A:34-23(b) of New Jersey’s Revised Statutes. Here, it lists the four types of alimony awarded by the state’s family courts as:

  •          Open durational alimony
  •          Limited duration alimony
  •          Rehabilitative alimony
  •          Reimbursement alimony

Open durational alimony is often referred to as permanent alimony because the court does not impose an end date to its term. Courts awarding this type of alimony recognize that you (or your spouse) are unlikely to ever earn an income that will allow either of you to return to your marital standard of living. Such a scenario is usually only present after a couple has been married many years. Indeed, open durational alimony can only be awarded in cases where a couple was married for more than 20 years.

As its name implies, limited durational alimony has an end date assigned to its term. Rehabilitative alimony is similar, with the difference being that it is only awarded until you (or your spouse) are able to re-acquire gainful employment. Reimbursement alimony pays you (or your spouse) back for any contributions either of your made the further the other’s career.

More information on the state’s alimony guidelines can be found here on our site.

