After welcoming a new child, many parents find themselves deciding between sending the child to daycare or one parent staying at home to take on the role of primary caregiver. Society has traditionally associated this role with the mother. However, as women continue...
Can alimony be modified in New Jersey?
When a family court issues alimony orders during divorce, the intent is to provide financial support to a lower-earning or non-working spouse to enable them to maintain a standard of living similar to what they had during the marriage. However, these orders are not...
How long does alimony last in New Jersey?
Alimony payments are made after a couple divorces, often when there is a large discrepancy in income. Alimony is sometimes also referred to as spousal support. For instance, maybe one person is a high earner, bringing in more than $1 million a year. The other person...
Should you prepare when petitioning for alimony?
Surviving on a single income in the 21st century is extremely challenging, and perhaps even impossible for some people. One way to shore up your financial situation is to ask for (and obtain) alimony during your divorce. In the past, alimony was often considered a...
A perhaps unpopular viewpoint focused on women receiving alimony
We live in a modern world with more women from all walks of life longing for gender equality. As contemporary and informed American citizens, we support this point of view and have a strong belief in promoting gender equality. Some people believe women receiving...
When might a dependent spouse qualify for durational alimony?
Alimony often doesn't last for long. Most of the kinds of alimony available in a New Jersey divorce are temporary. Rehabilitative alimony may only last long enough for someone to get back in to the workforce, while restitution alimony will only last as long as it...
How long will alimony last after a New Jersey divorce?
It can be difficult to plan for your future after a divorce when you have no way of knowing how the divorce itself will end. If you decided to focus on the family instead of on developing your career, you may be at a financial disadvantage when it comes to living...
Factors used to determine alimony in New Jersey
Alimony is a common concern during many divorces. Divorcing couples may have questions related to who will receive alimony, who will be required to pay alimony and how much will the alimony award be based on. As a result, it is helpful for divorcing couples to...
What are the four types of alimony in New Jersey?
When a couple in New Jersey decide to divorce, one spouse may be ordered to pay alimony -- also known as spousal support or maintenance -- to their ex. It is important to note that not every award of alimony is permanent. In fact, New Jersey recognizes four types of...
Divorce settlements may not focus on alimony much longer
Couples in New Jersey who have finally come to the decision that they will end their marriage understandably may feel overwhelmed by the emotional toll of the choice they have made. However, if they believe that one of the spouses might be deserving of spousal...