When a parent fails to meet their child support obligations, it can create financial and emotional strain on the custodial parent and the child. Understanding the enforcement techniques available and the steps a custodial parent can take is crucial to ensuring that...
Child Support
I’ve lost my job. Can I stop paying child support?
Losing your job can be extremely stressful, especially when that is your sole source of income and you have a child support order to honor. If you stay out of work for a lengthy period, you may be concerned about an impending child support bill and what could happen...
3 mistakes to avoid when paying child support
Parents going through divorce try their best to make decisions that are in the best interest of their children. Paying child support is one such decision. In New Jersey, different factors are considered when calculating child support. Examples include the income of...
Can you ask for more child support when your kid needs braces?
Figuring out child support obligations is a complex process. Parents frequently don't agree about how much support is necessary, which makes it important to have a standardized approach. New Jersey uses a formula that looks at the division of parenting time, the...
Will New Jersey child support continue through college?
Child support helps the parent who has more time with the children cover the costs associated with that responsibility. Child support can be used for things like housing expenses, nutritional needs and sports and school supply costs. Child support that one parent pays...
How can your ex use the child support you pay?
One of the most common complaints from those who have to pay child support is that they feel like they’re actually supporting their ex. They worry that the other adult is using the money to finance their own lifestyle, rather than to take care of the children. When...
How much is child support going to cost you?
As a noncustodial parent, there is a chance that you will need to pay child support. Child support is normally determined using the New Jersey Child Support Guidelines. Keep in mind that both parents are responsible for contributing to their children’s needs and...
When can people modify child support orders?
Parents in New Jersey are required to care for their children and provide for them financially as well. This is true whether the parents are married or divorced. However, how parents provide for their children financially may change if the parents go through a...
Important points about child support termination and emancipation
Child support is a key factor in New Jersey family law. From the perspectives of the paying parent and the receiving parent, it is important to understand the law not just for how much will be paid, when the payments will be made and what happens if the payments are...
Does remarriage affect child support obligations?
A New Jersey who remarries may have questions about how it would affect financial obligations to children from a previous marriage. Existing child support orders are typically not affected by a new marriage. Child support is based on the incomes of the child's...