Straightforward Legal Advice From An Attorney Who Understands

Can you collaborate through a divorce?

On Behalf of | Dec 29, 2017 | Child Support |

New Jersey couples like you may eventually reach a point in which you decide that splitting up would be better for everyone. In these situations, Melinda L. Singer, Esquire, is here to help guide you through all aspects of a divorce: legal, financial, emotional, and more.

When you’re handling your divorce proceedings, there’s the opportunity to collaborate through it. You may be able to work together with your attorney and your partner in order to reach resolutions that work best for you and your family.

This can become a little tricky if you have a child in the picture, however. Many parents aren’t able to reach a fair collaborative agreement on how their child will be raised. Arguments will often break out over custody, over parenting time schedules, and over how much of a say each parent will have in their child’s life. In these situations, collaborating may not be the ideal option.

The child’s best interest will always reign supreme in situations that they are involved in. If you’re unable to come to a joint decision and mutually agree on how to handle your children, the court will likely need to step in and make that decision for you based on what they believe will benefit your child the most.

When deciding what’s in the child’s best interest, many different factors can be examined, including family history, finances, and more. To read up on what to expect when going to court to determine child custody or support, take a look at our attached link for more information.
