To compromise or not when seeking a New Jersey divorce

Photo of attorney Melinda L. Singer

The subtle art of compromise plays a role in many aspects of life. It essentially involves two parties making concessions to one another while settling an issue. We compromise with other people when making business deals. We compromise with our children when they request a special favor in exchange for something we want.

Should people compromise with one another when getting a divorce? In nearly all cases, yes. Compromising can be seen as a form of negotiation, which plays a role in most New Jersey divorces.

Can you compromise without harming your settlement?

Sometimes, you might be able to compromise without giving up much of what is important to you. However, this does not work in all situations. When spouses have a lot of conflict or hostility towards one another or when child-related issues are at stake, compromising may fail.

Take stock of your situation and determine what to prioritize in your divorce. Perhaps you care about marital assets, for example, or maybe you know you will need alimony to get by after the divorce. Giving up something or compromising in other ways may help you get the divorce settlement you want.

It is also helpful to try to determine what your spouse may want to prioritize. For example, does your spouse have an attachment to the family vehicle or perhaps the art collection you created together?

When you know what matters most to you and what your spouse cares about, you are prepared to concede in areas that will not affect your security. We encourage you to learn more about New Jersey divorce law to increase your knowledge and help ensure that your rights remain protected.

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