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Will New Jersey child support continue through college?

On Behalf of | Aug 16, 2021 | Child Support |

Child support helps the parent who has more time with the children cover the costs associated with that responsibility. Child support can be used for things like housing expenses, nutritional needs and sports and school supply costs.

Child support that one parent pays often plays a major role in the budget of the other parent, although the benefit is meant for the children. If your children are college-bound, can you count on child support payments to help you cover the costs of higher education in New Jersey?

Child support in New Jersey lasts longer than in some other states

The Garden State has a more comprehensive approach to parental responsibility than many other states. The New Jersey family courts recognize the importance of higher education and also that simply turning 18 does not make a child capable of living independently.

Child support in New Jersey usually lasts at least until a child turns 19, although it does sometimes last longer than that. The parent receiving support can request a continuation so that the payments continue through college. However, they will usually have to terminate those payments before the child’s 23rd birthday. This could mean that support continues through all of college, provided the child goes the year after high school and completes their degree in four years.

You might also be able to negotiate a settlement with your co-parent that involves them helping contribute to college expenses directly and not through child support payments. Learning more about how know how New Jersey child support works can help you get the support you need for your children and their future.

