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Tips for using social media during a divorce

On Behalf of | Feb 1, 2022 | Divorce |

Navigating through a divorce is a challenging process. While you are trying to protect your best interests, you may quickly learn that there are many ways that you can jeopardize those interests and risk getting less than you deserve in your divorce. Hundreds of thousands of people get a divorce every year, but many of them are not aware of the mistakes they need to avoid during the process.

Social media is one of the biggest opportunities for mistakes while getting a divorce. Even a single post can be enough to leave you with considerable consequences, so here are some tips for social media users facing divorce:

Do not discuss anything about your divorce online

Despite the temptations you may feel to vent about your divorce online, doing so is rarely a good idea. The things you post online can quickly be used against you in a divorce to cost you custody or parenting time rights or increase what you would pay in child support or alimony.

Do not post anything inappropriate

Similar to talking about divorce online, posting inappropriate posts can be just as damaging. Showing yourself engaging in illegal or questionable activity can be the deciding factor in whether you get the custody agreement you are looking for.

Open a new email and cell phone

If your spouse had access to your phone, email or social accounts, deny that access immediately. If your spouse has legal access to your phone or email information, they may be able to access damaging content against you freely. Getting a new phone and email while changing your passwords can help prevent your spouse from getting into things she should have access to.

Think before you act

Your divorce can be an emotional time for you, but it is important not to let your emotions dictate your actions. Before you post an angry status about your spouse, upload a compromising picture of yourself, or do anything else online that may harm your divorce process, take a moment to consider the worst-case scenario before posting.
