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2 factors to consider when co-parenting infants

On Behalf of | Jul 6, 2024 | Child Custody |

Raising an infant takes a lot of work from the parents, but it’s a labor of love. When the parents of an infant aren’t together any longer, raising their baby requires some extra thought because both parents will want to spend time with the baby. 

Creating a co-parenting agreement for an infant can be challenging, especially in the beginning because of the baby’s needs. Considering these points may help to guide the parents as they embark on the negotiation process for setting up a plan for the new baby.

Breastfeeding or formula feeding

One of the primary considerations when the baby is first born is whether they’re going to be exclusively breastfed or formula-fed. If the baby is exclusively breastfed, they’ll need to remain close to their mother, at least long enough for her milk supply to become established. She’ll also need time to build up a milk supply so she can send some with the baby to the father’s home. 

Baby’s schedule and needs

Babies need constant care, so making sure that’s available at both homes is important. Working parents will need to ensure that there is someone qualified to watch the baby while the parent works. Additionally, both parents need time with the baby while they’re off so they can build a bond with the child.

Parenting plans, particularly parenting time schedules, can be challenging when they involve an infant because their needs change so often. Working with someone who’s familiar with these situations may be beneficial because they can offer insight into ideas for getting everything set. 
