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Factors to consider regarding the marital home in divorce

On Behalf of | Oct 28, 2024 | Divison Of Assets And Property |

Going through a divorce requires you to determine what will happen with all marital assets, including the family home. For some people, the marital home is the biggest asset that has to be handled in the divorce. 

There are many factors that you must consider when it comes to the marital home. Going through these points may help you to make decisions that are in your best interests.

Logical decisions must prevail

You must consider the reason behind wanting to keep the marital home. If it’s strictly for emotional reasons, it might be best to let it go so you can start anew. The exception to this might be if the children live in the home and are attached to it or you hope to keep their school and living situation the same. If you opt to sell the home, the profit from the sale could be used to pay off debts, which may help to improve your financial stability moving forward. 

There are several additional financial matters to think about if you’re considering keeping the marital home. This includes whether you can cover the cost of the mortgage, taxes, upkeep, insurance and related expenses. If this will strain your finances too much, it might be best to let the home go. 

The property division process can have a major impact on how your future finances are set. Taking the time to ensure you’re making decisions that benefit you is beneficial. This may be easier if you discuss your situation with someone familiar with these matters. 
