Although money might be the furthest thing from the minds of two people in love, it is a subject for discussion if the relationship is serious. Many marriages in New Jersey and across the country have ended in divorce over financial disagreements. Relationship...
Month: December 2019
Divorce: Social media addiction as powerful as alcohol or drugs
When does social media start to threaten a marriage? In most cases in which one spouse becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol, the threat becomes real when the source of the addiction becomes that person's primary focus. Social media has developed into a similar risk....
Holiday season challenges of child custody and parenting time
With proper planning, divorced parents in New Jersey and across the country can make sure that the holiday season remains "the most wonderful time of the year," just like the classic Andy Williams song from 1963. The first step would be to check the most recent child...
Do the courts consider a parent’s sex in custody decisions?
There’s an idea in our society in custody disputes that the courts will favor a child’s mother more often. Unless this is the wish of you and your family, a court will take many factors when making their decision. None of these factors listed include the...